Monday, November 16, 2009

Perspective Is Everything

Today I was lucky. I got to walk Parker to the bus stop for the first time. I'm usually in class but today one of my instructors was out with the flu. Woohoo for class being cancelled!!! Ok, I can continue now. I got up and got him ready for school. I'm not sure how long it's been since that's happened. We watched a little TV. Then we got all bundled up. Hood? Check. Gloves? Check. Coat? Check. Scarf? Check. As you may have guessed, it was really frickin cold. Finally it was time to head out.

Off we went down the street, Parker looked so cute in all his layers. He was chatting about the cars and other people on the street. Once we got to the stop, Parker took his bag off and set it in his place in line. I knew that's how it was done but I was surprised that he knew what to do. He was a bus stop professional. He ran around playing in the snow till the bus came.

Then it happened. He got on the bus. The thing is, I had never really noticed how tiny he still is. He was dwarfed by the other children. I've been going through life thinking he's growing up too fast and then boom, like a streak of lightning, I am shown that he still has so much more growing to do.

As I walked home alone I was sad, proud and weighed down at the same time. Anytime I think about the responsibilities of motherhood I feel a whirlwind of emotions. Is that how it's supposed to be? Or am I just loosing my mind? Don't answer that.