Monday, May 18, 2009

Ewww, Gross!

Picture this...I'm walking into Walmart today (that's enough to gross anyone out). Walking directly in front of me is this just walking, but doing that thing girls do when they are trying to get their thong underwear unstuck (you know you've seen it before) Anyway, she must have failed at the thong shimmy because moments later she takes her hand and puts it down the back of her pants to fish it out. But wait, it gets worse, after her fishing trip has ended she proceeds to get out her credit card and pay for her items! She didn't wash her hands, or use one of those little bottles of hand sanitizer...nothin! Grossness! It got me thinking about everything I many people choose to skip washing their hands...and then touch the same things I'm touching. I almost lost my lunch, literally, but that would have meant leaning my head into a public toilet and the thought of doing so was enough to keep control of my gag reflex. Needless to say I was VERY careful of what I touched & I bought a travel size hand sanitizer which I used as soon as I left the store. Yuck!

Double Edged Swords

I find myself thinking about the double standards that exist in our society. As I ponder these things I realize there are countless reasons for society to set such standards...but why do we continue to accept them? Is it because we are afraid of change? Is it possible to create change? I'm sure we all know of the standards I'm thinking about...the difference between what is expected of a man and what is expected of a woman. This ranges from the responsibilities in the home to what is sexually acceptable. There is more though, what about the double standards that exist for different race, religion, and cultural heritage. I worry about the world that my son is growing up in and although I can teach him in my home that every person is equal, I don't know that my teachings will be able to contend with the constant bombardment he will receive from friends, media, and everyday life. Sure society is better than it was in the 1800's, but I somehow don't feel satisfied with just better. We need to do more, this much I know, the question is how? I believe that each of us needs to step back and take a hard look at ourselves, we need to ask ourselves if double standards exist inside us. I was shocked at what I found hiding inside of me.