Monday, June 22, 2009

Simple Pleasures

I am a firm believer that it's the little, simple things that make up life. Sure, there are the huge experiences like a vacation of a lifetime and such, but they aren't the bread and butter of what life is all about. I would rather have a lifetime of everyday touching moments that an outsider wouldn't notice than a trip to Paris or Rome. I've been having many such moments lately, I am so grateful, I am feeling a peace inside that I haven't had for years. There is a comfort and warmth in knowing that I get to have those lovely seconds, minutes, hours given to me so willingly. Sitting and watching a movie, holding hands, a glance, holding a new-born baby, an Eskimo kiss...there is nothing like it in the world, I hope it lasts.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Family Feud

We all remember the fun game show that is Family Feud right? If only it could all be so cheery and wonderful. My family seems to be at it all the time over something and it's usually me...bummer. This time it's because of my personal life, last time it was because of my friends, next time it will probably be over my shoes, who knows. I am so tired of them harping on my faults and supposed indiscretions instead of looking at their own. I am the distraction that keeps them entertained, talk about needing a hobby. Why is it me you ask? Because I refuse to blindly follow just because I'm told to. I ask why when I'm told things are a certain way, I challenge the status-quo. Why not? I feel it's healthy to be an independent thinker, not a sin or harmful to my health or anyone else's for that matter. Ugh! Now I know why some species leave their parents while still in infancy.