Monday, June 22, 2009

Simple Pleasures

I am a firm believer that it's the little, simple things that make up life. Sure, there are the huge experiences like a vacation of a lifetime and such, but they aren't the bread and butter of what life is all about. I would rather have a lifetime of everyday touching moments that an outsider wouldn't notice than a trip to Paris or Rome. I've been having many such moments lately, I am so grateful, I am feeling a peace inside that I haven't had for years. There is a comfort and warmth in knowing that I get to have those lovely seconds, minutes, hours given to me so willingly. Sitting and watching a movie, holding hands, a glance, holding a new-born baby, an Eskimo kiss...there is nothing like it in the world, I hope it lasts.


  1. Hey Becky. I skipped over here from your Facebook. I love that you have a blog! I would like to add you to my blog roll if you don't care. I can shoot you an invite to mine if you want as it is private.
