Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Full of Hot Air

Apparently there is a terminal illness going around that is targeting....blow dryers. Yep, you read that correctly, I said blow dryers. I have a cousin who has suffered through the loss of several blow dryers . I now know her loss. :)

I was drying my hair this morning when I heard a cracking sound. I thought it was my son playing. Nope! Turns out my blow dryer had cracked down the center and the heat was making the crack grow. Air was still coming out of the end but now it comes out of the crack too, burning my hand. My narrow nozzle thingy no longer stays on either making my hair blow in all different directions. If you know my family at all you know that we have very thick hair. Thick hair + uncontrolled air = huge beauty queen hair. Not so cute.

Now I get to make a trek out and find a new one. I really hate looking at hair stuff, everyone is claiming to be better than the other brands. This one blows ION infused air, that one has a retractable cord, another might be a cool color. Ugh, it is the worst kind of shopping. I'd rather buy shoes.

Monday, October 5, 2009


I've noticed a shocking development, I actually like math!

I was never able to understand math during my former years. It could have been because of my incredibly short attention span, my ability to zone out for hours on end or the cute boys in my class. My mother would say it was because of all three reasons and many, many more.

Today I was sitting in class waiting for my teacher to stump us (it's her favorite thing to do) But I was able to understand and complete each problem she dealt out. It was a strange phenomenon that caught me off guard. I walked out of class feeling like a superhero when they first wake up with their new superpowers. Dazed, confused, and a little invigorated. Now I just need a cool superpower name. Equationator the slayer of equations or Exponita the queen of exponents...ok maybe not.

I'm sure it was a fluke. I'm guessing I just remember a small portion of math from high school. Knowing my luck I will probably fail miserably with my next chapter. But for now, it feels awesome.