Friday, December 4, 2009

Some Dreams Shouldn't Come True

I have decided that dreams are a form of cruel and unusual punishment.

I remember my dreams about 80% of the time and only a few of them are pleasant. My dreams seem to be getting worse the older I get. I've had them all; falling, being chased, going to school naked, violence and betrayal. The absolute worst ones are when something is happening to Parker and I can't save him. I have even attended his funeral in a dream once, I actually woke up crying.

Other times I'll have dreams about my day. For example, if I watch a disheartening movie I'll dream about something similar. If I watch something on the news I'll dream about the same thing happening to me. The real problem is that the dreams seem very real.

After I have bad dreams I end up laying in bed for hours and then I spend the entire next day agonizing about them. My Mom usually has awful dreams to. I always wondered what she meant about not resting, I think I'm starting to understand. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever sleep restfully again.

1 comment:

  1. I have always had very vivid dreams, too. Pregnancy encourages this. Although I didn't seem to go back to my normal weird dreams after I delivered. Must be in the blood.
