Monday, December 28, 2009

Just Write

Before I started fall semester I was questioning if I really wanted to be an English teacher but now I know it is what I am supposed to do. I would love to say I was born to be a mother and wife but that's just not the case. Don't get me wrong, I love being a mother and I would love the opportunity to be a wife again someday. But I am born to write and teach.

When I was a little girl I dreamt of being a teacher but I lost sight of that dream along the way. As a teenager I wrote as a release. I would write anything; poems, short stories, rants or unsent letters. After high school and marriage writing didn't make sense anymore. I eventually stopped writing and lost a huge part of myself.

Due to necessity I chose to go back and get a degree. I had a very hard time deciding on a major. I felt that if I had to work I needed to do something I love. Thankfully my mother convinced me to go into English. I was forced to begin writing again and I'm so excited about it. The more I wrote the more I felt like myself again. I know I still have a ton of work to do but I'm ready for it. If I keep writing I will be just fine no matter how hard things might get.

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