Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Ok, I am officially reviving this Blog. CPR here we come!!! What better way to revive a blog than trying something new? I have seen a few people doing a weekly confessional. I think I'm going to try it but be warned, I am generally a very random person.

Confession Time :)

- I secretly wish I had thicker lips. Not Angelina style, more like Anne Hathaway

- I love old music! Think Bing Crosby & Louis Armstrong

- I try to be a realist but I am actually a hopeless romantic. Shocking I know!

- I, along with every other mother on the planet, think my son is the cutest ever

- I eat peanut butter straight from the jar with a spoon, yum!

- I can't stand girls who pretend to be dumb to get a guy

- I desperately want more friends but I'm too chicken to go out and make any

- I have a love/hate relationship with sleep

- I could watch "How It's Made" 24/7

- I look like my Mother and surprisingly, I don't mind at all

I know, I didn't include anything earth shattering but it'll have to do for my first confession. Maybe next time I'll put in juicier things. Till next time.

1 comment:

  1. I could also watch that show 24/7 and I CANNOT stand girls who pretend to be dumb to get a guy or for any other reason. I want to shake them and yell for them to stop. :)
