Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Confession Time

It's that time again. Time to brighten Wednesday's everywhere with my brilliant and random thoughts. Actually, this may turn into more of a vent session but I'll try to keep it light.
- I am a cat person, dogs are great if they are not mine
- I vote for a 5 day weekend and a 2 day work week
- I hate when I help people only to have them take advange of my kindness
- I don't get being a "typical" girl (fake laughs, lies and general manipulation)
- If I ask a question I want the truth, if I don't want to know I won't ask ("How do I look?"..."Fat, ugly stupid, etc." Instead of "You look great!")
- If you ask me something, I will be honest.
- I don't understand the 10 degree temperature difference between men and women, I'm frickin freezing people! (My office is mostly men)
- I need to learn to stand up for myself
- I hate the idea of someone not liking me, seriously, I have major anxiety about it
- I feel cool driving my awesome car
- I will probably never stop saying the word retarded, sorry if this offends you
- I just turned around to do something and forgot what it was mid-turn
- It really bugs me when SAHMs complain about staying home, I would trade places anyday
- I want to try skydiving but just thinking about it makes me pee a little
- I have absolutely no idea how to raise a kid, just kind of wingin it
- Banana cake sounds heavenly right about now
- I need to go get a passport picture but I haven't because I want my hair to look good in it, lame!
- Going out to eat is my financial weakness
I can't think of anything else so I guess that's it for this week. Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. A lot of your pet peeves are the same as mine. Also, I like your new blog background.
