Friday, June 25, 2010

What Are They Thinking?

Ok, so I've tried to stay away from all the celeb drama but I'm getting really fed up.

Let me get this straight, if I become famous or rich I can do whatever I want whenever I want with no consequences? No, you say? Why not? All the famous and rich people seem to think so.

I know I'm taking a dramatic approach here but really, it's getting to be a not-so-funny joke. We've got everybody and their dog committing some sort of tax fraud. All the men can't seem to keep it in their pants. And all the women are boozing it up without any underwear on.

I tend to think that we inadvertently support their behavior. Of course we wouldn't actually stand up and say "Ya, I think it's great so-and-so did this or that" but we certainly don't do what we can to make it stop. We buy into the controversy by reading the articles about it, or going to see their latest film/tournament to see if they choke under pressure. We continue to be their fans as long as they say "I'm sorry" and claim some sort of addiction. When did we let this happen?

When did it become ok to rape someone because you are famous? Or womanize every girl you come in contact with? Or cheat the financial system? Or abuse hotel staff? Or spread false rumors about good people? I could keep going for hours but I won't. I am aware that Joe-shmoe's do all these things too, but the media doesn't defend them. They do defend the rich and famous while we sit at home at accept it as status quo.

I for one, am tired of staying silent. I am tired of watching our world go down the toilet because the "little person" has no voice. I am officially making a voice for myself. If you are a sports, tv, movie, reality star or a politician and you do any of the things I mentioned before, I will not be a "fan". I won't see your movie, I won't vote for you, I won't watch your tv shows. I will scream at the top of my lungs (or blog) that your behavior is unacceptable. Maybe you won't hear me, maybe no one will, but I will feel better about myself for stating what I think. Maybe, just maybe, someone will hear me and make a voice for themselves. If we all stood up and said that we thought they were out of line maybe something would change. Perhaps our children will not need to witness the moral chaos that is the current trend.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Confession Time

It's that time again. Time to brighten Wednesday's everywhere with my brilliant and random thoughts. Actually, this may turn into more of a vent session but I'll try to keep it light.
- I am a cat person, dogs are great if they are not mine
- I vote for a 5 day weekend and a 2 day work week
- I hate when I help people only to have them take advange of my kindness
- I don't get being a "typical" girl (fake laughs, lies and general manipulation)
- If I ask a question I want the truth, if I don't want to know I won't ask ("How do I look?"..."Fat, ugly stupid, etc." Instead of "You look great!")
- If you ask me something, I will be honest.
- I don't understand the 10 degree temperature difference between men and women, I'm frickin freezing people! (My office is mostly men)
- I need to learn to stand up for myself
- I hate the idea of someone not liking me, seriously, I have major anxiety about it
- I feel cool driving my awesome car
- I will probably never stop saying the word retarded, sorry if this offends you
- I just turned around to do something and forgot what it was mid-turn
- It really bugs me when SAHMs complain about staying home, I would trade places anyday
- I want to try skydiving but just thinking about it makes me pee a little
- I have absolutely no idea how to raise a kid, just kind of wingin it
- Banana cake sounds heavenly right about now
- I need to go get a passport picture but I haven't because I want my hair to look good in it, lame!
- Going out to eat is my financial weakness
I can't think of anything else so I guess that's it for this week. Till next time!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Ok, I am officially reviving this Blog. CPR here we come!!! What better way to revive a blog than trying something new? I have seen a few people doing a weekly confessional. I think I'm going to try it but be warned, I am generally a very random person.

Confession Time :)

- I secretly wish I had thicker lips. Not Angelina style, more like Anne Hathaway

- I love old music! Think Bing Crosby & Louis Armstrong

- I try to be a realist but I am actually a hopeless romantic. Shocking I know!

- I, along with every other mother on the planet, think my son is the cutest ever

- I eat peanut butter straight from the jar with a spoon, yum!

- I can't stand girls who pretend to be dumb to get a guy

- I desperately want more friends but I'm too chicken to go out and make any

- I have a love/hate relationship with sleep

- I could watch "How It's Made" 24/7

- I look like my Mother and surprisingly, I don't mind at all

I know, I didn't include anything earth shattering but it'll have to do for my first confession. Maybe next time I'll put in juicier things. Till next time.