Friday, June 24, 2011

Two Days Left

I have two days left until I've made it a year. I'm trying to look at the first anniversary as an accomplishment and I am beginning to let go. As my girlfriends would say, it's time to "put on my big girl pants" and move on. I am being careful that I don't rush myself but I also want to avoid becoming stagnant.

I feel the need to say thank you to everyone who has helped me make it to this point. I am far stronger now than I ever thought I'd be and it's mostly because of the people around me. From the second we found out about the accident I haven't been alone. Whether it was friends reaching out from a distance, or family sitting in my living room or co-workers that covered for me when I had to step away and cry. I have had continual support throughout this whole journey.

I have made some amazing friends (Kirsten) and strengthened friendships I already had (Allison). I've gained strength from women I've never met but secretly admired (Kelly). I have realized an appreciation for the incredible women in my life (Mom, Angela & Glenda). I cannot express how much you all mean to me. How much your words and patience have helped me begin to heal.

I'm not sure how the actual anniversary will turn out. I'm sure I will be sad (to say the least) but I'm going to make a real effort to make it a positive experience. I got together with the two women I trust most to decide how to spend my day. We came up with the idea to go hang out at Lagoon and fill the day with silliness. I'm actually a little excited. I will do another post after the anniversary and let you all know how it goes. Wish me luck!

Ok let the record show that I tend to think posting a video is cheesy but I'm posting one anyway. This video is basically how I'm feeling right now.

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