Monday, July 13, 2009

Fire and Brimstone

Last Friday I had the misfortune of getting into a car accident. Nothing too terrible, I rear-ended someone, they in turn rear-ended the person in front of them. No one was hurt thankfully. What was the cause? Changing the radio station...I know, blonde moment! In my defense though it is my parent's massive Tahoe which I am not used to driving in the slightest. It was also rush hour so the green light didn't mean that traffic would be flowing through the intersection. Needless to say I didn't drive much throughout the rest of the weekend.

Now to the frustrating part, dealing with the insurance companies. I don't know why they need me to tell them what happened so many times, it's insanity. When the accident happened we had a police report done where I gave a written statement. Then this morning I called my insurance and gave another one. I was then told that someone else would be calling for another statement (still my insurance) and I'd need to give another one when I have my quote done in two days. And we haven't even gotten to the other two insurance companies! It's not like they just call, ask what happened and hang up, that would be too simple. They have to call, ask every question three times, have you repeat yourself over and over and over and then they ask for your statement. Then they read back your statement and ask if it's correct. I just want to say "Did I stutter? I'm at work, ask once and leave me alone!" Why can't one person record my statement and send it to all the necessary parties?

I'm in a hell created just for me with all my pet peeves. I had to wait 30 min for a cop to show (hate that) I have to repeat myself 20 times (hate that) and I have to pay for the repairs (hate that)

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