Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ranting And Raving Lunatic

Get ready for a rant of biblical proportions.

We all know that falling in love is a "beautiful thing." I call BS on that crap!!! Since when was falling in love ever beautiful, where do you think we get the phrase "love hurts"? Not from pretty roses and candlelit dinners that's for sure. What people should really say is that having a crush is a beautiful thing not love. Love takes backbreaking hard work, the problem is most of the time it's only one person doing that work. At least that's been my experience thus far, which is why I'm newly single (almost). When you try they don't and vise verse. Then you've got to keep a tally on who has worked harder and use it against the other person at just the right moment. (Cause we all know how well that works) Oh and don't forget to push all their buttons. If all else fails, send in backup...the dreaded in-laws. The war tactics used in a bad marriage would make any army general proud, or cringe.

The only thing worse than working alone to save a relationship is working alone to end it. You're still carrying around all that hurt and resentment but now you are trying to be strategically nice at all the right moments. And if that doesn't work you regress back to war tactics. It's a constant emotional and moral tug of war. You spend all your time and energy deciding the next step to take and if you're willing to cross the next line. But now you have family and friends taking sides and offering unwanted advice. And your soon-to-be ex is finding joy in being stubborn and driving you to the point of insanity. Here's the best part, nothing has been resolved and you aren't any closer to being done than you were to begin with.

Do I sound like I'm going insane? Wait for it...

Here's what gets me. All it takes to get a marriage license in this state is a valid ID, a signature, $50, and you must be over 18. Pretty simple huh. STUPID!!! To get a divorce without children, a house or any substantial debt and if you both agree (yeah like that's gonna happen) it takes 45 pages of legal documents, 90 days, $300+ and multiple visits to courthouses and notaries. You have to disclose and prove if you've been divorced before, what your job is, how long you've been married and why you want a divorce. If you ask me there's something wrong with this picture. Divorce is gonna be difficult, I get that part. But if the divorce rate is so high, and the court system is so bogged down, shouldn't we make it harder to get married in the first place? A standard waiting period on a marriage license would help if nothing else. Let's take it a few steps further though, what about a higher application fee, required pre-marital counseling, marriage classes, and interviews with each applicant? I know it'll create more work for the over-paid state workers, but cmon' it'll create jobs too and the higher application fee would more than cover it with all the people getting married in Utah.

If you ask me I'm about ready to puke at the idea of ever getting married again. I feel myself becoming one of those lonely, bitter, old cat lady's you see in a bathrobe, rummaging through the dumpster.

Ok...now you can think I'm insane.

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