Thursday, July 30, 2009

Reaping and Sowing

We've all heard the term "You reap what you sow." or something similar to it. Usually it comes from a parent or some other authority figure telling us to be better. We also all know that it's a true statement, I mean it's just common sense right? Right. Even though we know it's true we still roll our eyes and say something to the effect of "Ya I know Mom." You know you've done it too, don't judge me.

Ok so a funny thing happened...I reaped what I sowed! I know I shouldn't be shocked but I still am, I can't help it. I've been working my tail off studying for school, stressing about school and planning my entire life around school. And to date I have a solid A, it's the first one I've gotten since the 4th grade. No that's not an exaggeration, seriously, the 4th grade. I'd be thrilled just because it's been so long, but in a college course, I'm stoked!

Hopefully I can keep it up for fall semester, but with 30 hours a week at work 16 credits seems a little daunting.

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