Monday, September 21, 2009

Kids Say The Funniest Things Part 2

I didn't think I'd have another one of these to post so soon but we all know how kids are...never a dull moment.

Have you ever been to one of those Japanese grills where you sit around the table and watch the chef cook? Well that's where we were. Normally if you don't have a large enough group to fill the table they add some strangers to the mix. So we are sitting there, with a really adorable couple. We're eating our salads, waiting for the chef when Parker notices something. Of course he has to tell us what he sees, in that wonderful loud 5 year old voice of his. He points to the man sitting at our table and says "That guy has the biggest nose ever!" Of course I explained how this wasn't a nice thing to say, but I had a very hard time keeping a straight face while doing so.

Ah, precious moments!

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