Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Favorite Things

I'm currently taking an introduction to music class. My professor, we'll call him "Mr. Ed", loves to make references to things we might know. This can include bands, TV shows, movies or a popular You Tube video. He makes references about The Sound of Music more than anything else. A little known fact about me is...I absolutely LOVE that show! I've seen it close to 20 times and I used to have a tape (yes a's a small plastic thingy that played music back in the day) of the sound track.

Anyway, back to the point, as if there ever were a point to be made. Whenever I think about that movie I always hear the "Favorite Things" song and it starts a chain reaction. I sing the song in my head (that's a no brainer) then I start thinking about what kind of things I might include if I were to write a song listing my favorite things. Since I'm not very musically inclined I'll list a few of them here and you can put them to your own tune.

Eskimo Kisses
Rainy Days
Ice Cream
Bright Colors

Well there's my top ten so far, I'm sure I'll be adding more as I think of them. Feel free to comment and tell me a few of your faves.

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