Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kids Say the Funniest Things

If you've ever spent much time with a small child you know first hand some of the funny things they say. Kids are completely honest and uncensored, sometimes it's a good thing. Other times though we wish they weren't this way. I had an awakening the other day that only a child can give. What spawned this awakening? My hips, that's right folks.

We were at the zoo last Saturday to see the cute baby animals. Parker's favorite thing at the zoo is the train so of course we had to ride it. Three of us, two adults and Parker, tried to squeeze into one of the little benches, we fit snugly but comfortably. Here is when it happened. Parker climbs in and scoots as far to one side as possible, then he says "Look Mommy I left you lots of room for your big hips" He was so proud of this "considerate" gesture, I had to smile. I replied, "Yes you left me lots of room for my big hips, thanks buddy" I couldn't be mad at this sweet boy, he was only doing what I've asked him to do and that's to be honest. I laughed it off and now that I sit reflecting it's becoming funnier by the minute. Don't get me wrong, I will be exercising to get rid of my "big hips" I'm sure this is one of the things I'll remember forever.

I'd love to hear what funny things your little ones have said.

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