Sunday, August 30, 2009

Baby Bird

Tomorrow my sweet little boy starts elementary school, I'm very excited for him. It's a big step, he will learn so much, it will help shape the man he will grow up to be. I'm very proud that he's ready to go off and be his own person, make his own friends and have his own experiences. At the same time though I am deeply saddened by the realization that he's no longer my little baby. He's very much a boy now, becoming more independent by the minute. When did that happen? He was supposed to stay my little baby forever.

It seems like only a few moments ago I brought him home for the first time. I remember it all so well, I was terrified...he was tiny. I remember laying in bed listening to him breath on the monitor, holding him and wondering how I could love someone so much. Thinking about all the things we would do, wondering what kind of personality he'd have.

I still wonder how I could love someone so much but now I get the pleasure of talking to him and seeing who he is. I love the way his mind works, how he thinks and the funny things he says. I didn't realize him going to school would hit me like this. I thought I would be the Mom that could rationalize the emotion away. I guess I still have some things to learn about myself.

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