Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pride and Joy

Parenting takes a lot of work, more than anyone could ever explain. But all of this work also comes with the greatest rewards this world has to offer. With all the hard work, sleepless nights and stressful moments it's easy to get lost in the struggle. Somehow though, just when I feel like there is no relief, here comes my sweet boy, with open arms handing out special moments. I've been lucky enough to have three such moments in just the last 24 hours, maybe he sensed my need for reassurance, or maybe he's just that type of boy. I don't know.

He went to the doctor yesterday afternoon for his pre-kindergarten check-up. He had to get four immunizations, and he didn't cry. He called me as soon as the appointment was over to tell me how brave he'd been, I am so proud of him. I know it must sound silly to all you non-parents, but it is a very big step for him. He even let the doctor put band aids on, he's absolutely terrified of band aids. He's growing up so fast, I can hardly believe it.

Last night while we were getting ready for bed, he went into a room and forgot to turn on the light. I turned in on for him without even thinking when I heard the smallest little "Thank you Mommy" It stopped me in my tracks, he actually said thank you without being prompted! I thought to myself "My parenting is actually working, I'm doing something right!" I melted! Then he said, "I didn't need it though" and I was immediately brought back down to earth. Yes, he is in fact a normal 5 year old boy who had a momentary lapse of judgement, but I'll remember it forever.

My final memorable moment happened this morning. I was getting ready for work as I always do, I thought he was playing in the front room when he came walking into the bathroom holding a rose from our flower garden. "Here Mommy, this is for you...smell it!" It wasn't the prettiest rose in the garden but it had the sweetest scent, he picked the one that smelled the prettiest.

I have the best little boy around, he is so sweet and loving! I am very happy to be his Mommy!

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