Monday, September 20, 2010

Almost 3 Months

This Sunday will be the three month anniversary. I am doing this post early because I want it to be about more than just my wallowing. As you can see, the grave marker has been installed. It is perfect. Q would be happy with the way it turned out. For me, it seems like the final piece has fallen into place. I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. There is no more denying reality now that this stone has been set. (Not like I could deny it before)

You know, it's strange the things I focus on to get me through. I try seeing this pain as a gift from me to him, so that he didn't ever have to feel the way I do. I imagine Q sitting in the cockpit of every plane I see, silently guiding the pilots home. Somehow, I feel better about him being gone if he's helping others stay safe. I dream of carrying on his legacy by learning how to fly. I know if I do, he'll be there on my first solo flight. I dream of opening our little deli one day and naming it after Q. When unexplained things happen, he is always my first thought. When I am worried about Parker, I hope Q is there being his guardian angel. I constantly think about my "Eye in the sky". Every once in a while, I feel him with me.

A little history about the eye in the sky thing. When Q was flying on a weekday, he would plan ahead and fly near I-15 around 5:20 and text me to tell me what the traffic was like that day. He would always start those texts with "Your personal eye in the sky here". Now, I feel like he is watching over me and all the people he loves.

I miss my Sparky. I miss everything about him. I miss him so intensely that I find it difficult to breathe at times. Sometimes I feel silly crying over small things. At times, I feel selfish and flat. Like I'm only playing one tune. I feel terrible for those who have been by my side through all this. I am grateful to have so many people supporting me but I feel like I've been neglecting their needs. I have found out who my true friends are and who I can't count on. I feel myself getting stronger. It is like training for a marathon. You can see the progress you've made in your down time but when you are training you feel weary, tired, stagnant and discouraged.

I am far from in the clear. I feel like a 14 year old girl again, crying and not knowing why. I am getting used to strange things upsetting me. I am learning to deal with smelling his cologne somewhere and hearing his ringtone. I used to stop in my tracks and whip around, convinced that he would be there telling me it was all a joke. I am learning to wait before acting to gauge my true feelings. I am learning how to let people know what they mean to me instead of assuming they already know. I am learning how to be happy without feeling guilt. I am learning how to build a good life for myself. I am learning how to be grateful for what I have instead of looking at what I'm missing. I am working on improving myself everyday. I am building a life that will make Q as proud of me as I am of him.


  1. It's only been 3 months! I don't know a blasted thing, I've never lost anything closer than a pet... But I read what you say and it seems like you're expecting yourself to "Get Through" this... when it might not be something that you ever "get through."

    I'm an idiot and am just repeating what more knowledgeable people than myself have said. I'm glad to read you're coping and feeling okay.

  2. You are right Stacy Q. You are an idiot.
