Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Big Time First

I've talked about making it through each "first" and feeling accomplished but so far they have all been very small. This Thursday I will be accomplishing a big first. I am flying for the first time since the accident. My Mom and I are going to Mt. Rushmore for my fall break. I'm super excited for many reasons but I'm also kinda scared. Scratch that, I'm frickin terrified.

I have always wanted to see Mt. Rushmore, it's on my list of cool places. Last year, as Q was flying to airventure in his small plane, he took a picture of it with his cell phone and sent it to me. I was very jealous so we decided that we would go someday. That clearly isn't happening. So, whne the dust settled and I started making my, "Make Q Proud Bucket List" this was one of the first things I thought of. I'm excited to go and see something he saw and carry on our plans. I'm excited for a vacation and the opportunity to travel. It's gonna be a blast.

Now to what scares me. Lets start with the less than obvious. I have no idea how seeing something he saw will affect me. I may be fine and enjoy myself completely or I may crumble and cry. I may even do both in a time span of 5 minutes. (What an adventure this will be for my Mom!)

Now to the obvious, I will be flying. Need I say more? I think I'll be fine once we are in the air but the take-off and landing are gonna suck. I have already been stressing about it for a few days. And by stressing, I mean a full blown panic attack. Here's the kicker, I'm flying on skywest. I'm gonna be sitting in the airport watching Q's old buddies get the plane ready. I bet he even knew the pilot that will be flying the plane. I can already see myself sobbing, wishing my "Mighty Q" was the one throwing the luggage on the plane. Seriously...what was I thinking!?

I'm sure I will be fine, I can survive my first flight...right? Maybe...probably....who knows. I will take ample photos and share some of them when I get back. I'll also fill you in on how I did with this gargantuan step. Wish me luck!!!

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