Thursday, October 7, 2010

Brutally Honest

I have been criticized by some for being too positive in my posts. I was shocked and hurt by their lack of understanding. Then I got to thinking, maybe these people really don't understand. I have tried to sensor my thoughts here so I don't worry or offend my readers. Maybe I am coming across as if I am not saddened. I have decided that for this post, I will be completely honest. I will let you know exactly what I go through on a daily basis.

I wake up emotionally drained from the nightmares that plague me throughout the night. I lie there wishing I could stay in bed forever. My head is usually pounding and my stomach is churning. I force myself out of bed. Sometimes I don't have the emotional or mental strength to push through. I cry in the shower 9 days out of 10. While I go through the motions of getting ready I give myself a pep talk to get me through the day. I put on my happy face and walk out the door.

I drive to school in a daze, telling myself over and over "I can do this". Then I sit in class, trying to make myself focus. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. After my classes I try to think about what I want to eat for lunch. Most of the time I don't want to eat anything. If I am hungry nothing sounds appealing. I generally dread going to work. I want to crawl back into bed and hide under the covers. I want to tell myself that Q is just working and he'll be home before I know it. When reality really sinks in I feel nauseated.

In the evening, I still don't want to eat. I find a little more comfort with Parker there though. He is always so happy and funny that it's easy to forget everything for a while. I am always so tired that I must seem boring to him. He has started wanting to fall asleep with music playing, he has fewer nightmares when he does. I can only imagine why but I think it's to help keep the sad thoughts away.

I should go to sleep as soon as Parker is in bed but I never do. I turn on my tv and my computer, trying to drown out the world. I deflate quickly as I lie staring at Q's picture that I keep by my bed. Even after I turn everything off I don't fall asleep. I toss and turn, I cry again. Sometimes I talk to Q. Other times I position the pillows on his side of the bed so I don't feel so alone. A queen size bed becomes a mile wide in the darkness of the night. My last thought is usually about being one day closer to seeing Q again. I try to tell myself I did well, I made it through another day. But, the problem is, I know I will have to make it through tomorrow, and the next day and so on.

I am often caught off guard and break down. The smell of his clothes hanging in my closet, a long forgotten photo, a song that we loved, a funny thought that I want to share with him, a bad day. All of these things can break me. The absolute worst is when Parker breaks down. He has nightmares about plane crashes and a number of other horrible things a 6 year old should never have to deal with. I stay strong long enough to get him through it and then I crumble.

My life is full of coping techniques that shift from one second to another. A lot of the time distraction is the only one that works. The one constant I have is the faith that I will be ok someday. I believe that one day, I will look back at my life and feel proud because I survived. One day I will stand on my own two feet again. I will laugh everyday again. I will not be broken forever. I hold onto this faith with every fiber of my being.

For now I am kept afloat by those closest to me. These people see the dark side of me. They are the ones who hold my hand as a scream and cry at the same time. They listen as I vent my anger about the world and at God. They listen without judgement, only love. They tell me I will be ok, that I can get through it. They are there to laugh with me on my good days and cry with me on my bad days. They keep me grounded, pick up the slack and help me keep going. They are the people I can call, day or night. They distract me when I need it and let me be alone when I need it. They take care of Parker when I am overwhelmed or need a break. They are my angels and my sanity.

This is a pain that I would not wish on anyone. It is constant and unwavering. It is soul crushing and heart breaking. It affects the lives of everyone near me. It is a pain that may lighten in intensity with time but it will never disappear. It is simply something I will learn to live with.

**The next post will be lighter. I promise**


  1. Once again, I am amazed by people and their opinions and assumptions. Everyone grieves differently, and putting on a brave and happy front for your child is no easy task. I think you are doing just fine. Besides, I don't think Q would have ever wanted you to be sad, even though I know you are. How can you be too happy, anyway?

  2. Becky, I am amazed that people think that you have been too positive. As a person that has experienced a lot of loss in my life, I know very well that everyone grieves differently and it is for a reason that they do. When your posts are positive I am happy for you, even though I know that you never feel that way inside. It is your way of trying to take control back in your life. After time you start to believe that everything will be OK, but for now it is OK to just have the belief that it will be. Your loss is different then my loss or anyone else for that matter. I agree that Quinn would want you to be happy and focusing on the positive in your life now is the right thing to do. Bottom line, you need to write about what will make YOU feel better, that is what healing is all about. I hope you are really doing ok, if you need anything at all then please let me know. I think about you and Parker all the time and I know that the grieving is a process for both of you. We have all experienced a tremendous loss and we need to stick together. Hang in there!! Melissa Falk

  3. Holy Cow was that me?

    I apologize...
    Really (she said as softly and gently as she possibly could) I am sorry.

  4. Becky, it is obvious by your blog hits that people are tuning in to hear how your life is going. Continue to be honest to yourself.

  5. I can't believe people judged your blog. What you feel and how you choose to display and/or filter what you feel is none of their business. If you want to do a light post, fine. If you want to do uncensored, fine. It's YOUR blog, it's YOUR life and YOUR grief. It's nice you try to see things from their perspective but it wouldn't hurt them to try to do the same (oops, now I'm judging).

  6. You are coping the best you can, and no one can possibly fully understand the pain and anguish you are dealing with. This is your pain, not theirs. Love you my dear friend. I hope that each day it gets a little easier.

  7. Oh Becky - you amaze me! How funny, I have friends who have said my blog is too much of a downer. You can't win...and as is the case with so many things...I just tell myself maybe that's not what they write whatever the hell you want. Your words always reflect my emotions so much that it's eery and comforting all at once. I just adore you and feel less alone as I watch you move throughout all this. Ohh, the crying in the shower. What is with that? It's such a freebie, I guess. No kleenex necessary. Nobody can see your mushy puffy pink cryface. The milewide bed. The pillows in quinn shape that you lean back on in your sleep. Clothing smell (um mine are all in ziplocs because he died after laundry day so there wasn't much of his smell left on anything but a couple things, dammit). I know it's easy to be chipper for others, because I was terrified that if I was a downer they'd have to get away from me. Losing him made me fear losing everyone. So the happy face came on. It's what happens. Make room for it and don't judge it. The catharsis you need will force itself somewhere, even if it's just in the shower.
