Friday, August 20, 2010

Bucket List

I have created a bucket list of sorts since Q died. It is filled with random things that I have always wanted to do, things we did together and future plans we had made. Here are a few photos of stuff I can cross off the list. Enjoy!

Every Monday the three of us went to A&W for root beer floats. We all looked forward to it every week. We would sit and talk about our plans for the week and laugh with each other. It has been hard to keep going without Q but we are trying. Now we sit and talk about our favorite memories of Q. I think he'd be very happy to know that we are carrying on our family tradition.

Q and I had talked about taking Parker to the Kennecott mine just a couple weeks before the accident. A few weeks ago I decided to go anyway. We had so much fun! Parker was in awe, he loved the big trucks and learning about copper. I gave him a penny on the way there and he still has it in his cup holder to remind himself of our fun day.

I have written before about Q making me want to be a better mommy and I meant it. We went on family dates more than we went on romantic ones. He was a family man through and through. I can't think of a better way to honor him and show my love for him than to carry on his love of family. We've been doing so many fun things together. We went on a bike ride after work about a week ago, Parker is still talking about it.

Parker gets a voucher for a free Real Salt Lake game each season he plays soccer. We purchased tickets the beginning of June. The game we had planned on seeing ended up being the day of the funeral. Needless to say we didn't go. We bought more tickets for a game last weekend. They had mascots from all the colleges there that night. Parker ate more than he watched the game but this is an awesome shot of him with one of the mascots.

Last but not least, Parker started his fall season of soccer. He is so excited to be playing again, that boy loves his soccer! He had fun and we even won (technically it is non-competitive but the parents all keep track anyway) Q never missed a game so it was hard to sit there without him. He would quietly bash the other team and he loudly cheer for our team. He even learned all the kid's names and cheered for them individually. He was very proud of Parker.

We are doing well (most of the time) Every step is hard but little by little it is getting easier. We are doing our best to have fun and rebuild our lives. We have many more plans in the works, I will probably do a post about them soon.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for continuing Q's legacy. I'm sure it makes you smile a little more every day. I imagine nights are still the hard times.
